Monday, May 08, 2006

L'Homme Qui Dormir

I have now finished the third and last of my final exams.

This was the exam from Dr. S, in Math Foundations. The exam consisted of:

a) six multiple-choice questions,
b) some think-about-em questions
c) three essay questions, choose one

The six multiple-choice were based on problems from Exam P. I got 5 out of 6, and I blew the one about the Gamma function but I knew how to set it up correctly. (It was based on adding up a bunch of Gammas and invoking the CLT, but somehow, my alpha and beta were wrong.)

The think-about-em questions were:

1) Find f(y) where X=ln Y and f(x) is given. (Easy).
2) If P(a<=x<=b) = 1/b - 1/a, and find f(x), if x greater than or equal to one,
3) Describe the major distributions based on coin flips. (No problem, but I didn't do the Beta distribution, because he didn't discuss it.)
4) Some weird conditional density function that I didn't do.

The last question was an essay question that asked one to justify pricing by expected loss. I gave him two pages on it.

I would write more...but this is a recreation of the first post, which Blogger ate. More later.


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