Thursday, April 27, 2006

Two More Days

Yesterday, not much going on. We continue to review material in Dr. N's class. And once again, not reading carefully trips me up on a quiz. Instead of finding Pr(X-Y=3) for a problem, I find Pr(X+Y=3). It was a simple problem; I don't know how much the error will cost me. It seems that the longer I'm in that class, the stupider I get.

As for Dr. S, we finally got our scores back from Exam II. The Exam was a total of 100 points; and as it turned out, 45 points was good enough for an "A". (0-17 was good enough for a "D".) He wrote the range of "A" scores as:

A -- 45 to 67 plus outlier

I got a 78, which made me the outlier score. Someone, of course, had to ask, "who's the outlier?" and a wiseacre student said, "I know who it is!", indicating me, which left me embarrassed -- I don't like to be singled out like that.

Dr. S then said, "Well, J has an unfair advantage. And he's taking the hard path." Which, translated, means (I guess), "J already has a degree in math and grad school experience, and he's going for the Ph. D." So I'm hoping that this hard path doesn't end up crashing me.

In Dr. Z's class we finished the last of the new material. Here are my final exams:

May 3rd: Dr Z, Intro Stat
May 5th: Dr N, Intro Prob
May 8th: Dr S, Foundations of Actuarial Science
May 12th: A trip with my wife to Lake Charles, LA, where I will attempt (futilely) to prove that for the variable X: casino winnings, E(X)<0 over the long run.
May 18th: Exam P test

Went to the AS meeting. I showed up at 2:45 p, but they wouldn't seat anyone until 3:30 p, which I found ridiculous as they were only serving the usual crunchy stuff served at college meetings -- you'd have thought it was catered by a Cordon Bleu chef, the way they went on.

So I sat around for 30 minutes -- I couldn't stay forever, as I had to be back home in time for din-din. I chatted with a guy named B (who has been in my classes forever but I've never really chatted with him). It wasn't a total lost. I just have to get better at networking. (As it turned out, one of the professors was sitting alone. I guess he hasn't gotten better at it, either.)


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