Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Decisions, Decisions

Okay, huge supercalifragilistic news.

Remember my application to the Ph. D. program in Risk Management at my university.

I was accepted. It comes with a $15,000/yr stipend and waiver of tuition. Hopefully, I can grind out a Ph. D. in four years.

So I have three options:

1. Accept the offer.
2. Lean on the my interviewers and say that I need an answer now.
3. Reject both and hope for the best.

Talk about tough. I don't know what it says about fate, or human decision, but everything in the world involves risk. I might have to change the title of this blog.

Wrote my life a letter while she's in Pittsburgh. I'll let you know what the decision is.


Blogger Y said...

Hm...tough decisions...

5:59 AM  

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