The First Week.... always the hardest, I suppose.
When I got back to graduate school...boy, let's just say these classes are tough. I'm so tired right now that I don't have much to write, before falling over. I'll give you something of a framework:
* I have my own office. It's really an inner foyer between the door to the hallway and the door to the offices of two other professors, but I'll take what I can get.
* Microeconomics and Risk Management are my biggest classes. Lots of Masters/Ph. D. students. My Probability class has about seven people in it. (Including one person with a masters and another with a Ph. D. in physics.) My Econometrics class has three people in it -- and it will probably be the hardest class of the four.
* Debating about whether or not to take the "boot camp" class as an audit. I might very well do so.
* Probability is taught by the good Dr. S. He's already given us a homework assignment, which doesn't seem so hard...yet.
* Econometrics is tough, because a) I haven't seen the material, b) I don't know if I have the math background, c) the professor is Dr. N, who speaks accented English and isn't the best for explanations.
* Microecon might be enjoyable, but this might be a tough class. One of my problems is "find the utility function for "Things go better with Coke!" I suspect it is U(x,y) = x^a*y^b , where x=things and y=Coke. Even if you lose things, you will compensate for the loss of them by getting more Coke.
* Probability is a lot of set theory and sigma-fields. I pray I don't get lost in it.
* Risk Management is taught by the dept chair. Who wasn't there today. So a colleague of his taught in his place. He only taught for 30 minutes. Didn't learn much...but he's Dr. K, the man I'm going to be working for this year.
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