You Goof Off!
Goofed off. Didn't spend much time studying. Finally got down to it tonight, studied 2 1/2 hours. The midterm is on Wednesday, and I have no classed on Tuesday, so I have one day to get it right.
It looks like I'm having to relearn everything about calculating E(Y), when Y is something like:
Y = 0 if X<200
= X if X>200
And I thought I knew that, and knew it sold.
You'd integrate xf(x) from 200 to infinity, and that would be your answer. I suspect that the reason Dr. S. has me confused is because he's, well...sloppy.
The more I look at the problems that represent Exam P, the more P looks insurmountable. I bumped into some problem that required some bizarre negative binomial distribution to solve it. Egad.
Applied for a job online and wrote the nice people at D. W. Simpson that I'm considering full-time work. Other than that, hope and prayer. Get the results back from the Intro Probability exam tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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